English / Español
The pseudonym "OTTSTUFF" is a closed compound made up of two words:
Originally, it simply means "things from Ott." However, beyond this intention, he also presents curious links and similarities such as the humorous expression "hot stuff" (talented or attractive person), providing that humorous essence so characteristic in the pseudonyms of urban culture.
OTTSTUFF's face silhouette is part of his iconographic post-graffiti work, standing out as his main mutable icon. It allows him to approach different topics related to the human essence disregarding stereotypical differentiations.
Graffiti evolves and merges with other passions and knowledge throughout life, in parallel with the individual's both personal and professional development, generating new unavoidable variants. However, it is necessary to differentiate and safeguard the term 'graffiti' as an independent phenomenon, without giving up its legitimate influence when applicable. It's all about respect, roots and consciousness.